About Paradigm Shift Ministries
Reimagining and reigniting the local church since 1842
Paradigm Shift is all about reaching people who are not currently being reached through traditional models of ministry. Our roots stretch back to the Muscular Christianity Movement of the late 1800’s and continue today as we reach out through both community outreach and social media. We call ourselves ‘church on the go’, and we believe the timeless truth of who Jesus is and what He came to do is still vitally important as we live our daily lives. If the Christian faith is a living faith, then what we believe should affect the way we live. Together, we can change this world for the better!
Dustin Craig (Lead Pastor)
Dustin accepted the call to go into ministry at the age of sixteen while he was serving as a student ambassador in Europe. After walking the old battlefields and touring the empty cathedrals, he gave his life over to the biggest cause he could think of – the kingdom of God. Since then, he attended Malone University’s School of Theology and earned his bachelor’s of arts in Youth and Sports Ministry with minors in Sports Management and Coaching. Dustin has also been recognized internationally as a student, athlete and ministry leader. He has worked directly with nearly 300 churches putting together outreach events and his current #630SN video series has been viewed by people in over 80 countries and territories.
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Tony Craig (Executive Director)
Tony has been an innovator in both the business and ministry worlds. He attended the University of Cincinnati’s College of Business and College Conservatory of Music before entering into business. His career includes overseeing the daily balance clearinghouse banks, writing policy and procedures, managing corporate communications and developing both intranet and internet databases. Tony has written reports to members of Congress on customer satisfaction and launched the first start-up to ever be featured on the cover of US Business Review magazine. Outside of his business interests, he also has experience in non-profit board management, staff-parish relations, youth ministry, sports ministry and music ministry.
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© 2019 Paradigm Shift Ministries, Inc.